For Clinicians

Welcome Friends!

I suppose I should say, Welcome Colleagues! But I like the ring of friends better.  After all, we’re all in this together. Our career choice, though rewarding and filled with passion, is a trying one. We need and depend on one another to make it through, whether you are in an office with many other clinicians with whom you consult on the regular, or whether you are in a lone private practice and have to put in an effort to seek consultation. Either way, I hope this site and my blog can be of some assistance or reprieve.

I’ve had websites before, in fact, I’d go so far as to call it a hobby, but I decided to start this site after I wrote the EPPP. I was a school psychologist in school settings in BC, Canada, for many years before moving to a province where I decided to write the EPPP and become a registered psychologist. The experience of returning to supervised practice, hoop jumping with the college of psychologists, exam prep and writing, and soon after transitioning into a private practice, inspired me to write. I felt that I had searched for information and advice along all of these paths, with limited success.

See, as a school psychologist in BC, the network of colleagues is extremely tight knit. There is consultation at every turn, resources and information made available at your fingertips, but I did not find this to be the case in my new placement. Although I was lucky to have extremely talented and lovely colleagues, my career experience and journey had been so different that I often felt I was on my own to discover how to navigate many aspects.  So, within these pages, I hope to offer insight, experience, information, and hope, to new comers of the profession and perhaps some of the not-so-new as well.

I value your feedback and would love to hear from you if you have topics of interest, questions, comments, or even feedback or complaints. I am always on a learning path, and what better way to do so than to put myself out there to my colleagues!

Thanks! I look forward to blogging with you  😄